GentleMax Toe Fungus Treatment
Do not be embarrassed by unsightly nail fungus anymore. The GentleMax Pro is a Health Canada approved device for the treatment of nail fungus— without the pain or downtime of surgery. The laser device emits pulses of energy that produce heat – this heat destroys microbes that are infecting tissue. The laser energy easily penetrates through the toenail, to the nail bed beneath where the fungus is likely also present. This ability to penetrate the full thickness of the toenail is what leads to successful results.Is GentleMax Pro Right for Me?
If you are suffering from toenail fungus and have not had luck with oral or topical treatments, it may be time to take serious action. Not sure? If you are noticing flaky debris, discoloration, detachment or change in texture set up an appointment to have your feet looked at.What Can I Expect from GentleMax Pro?
The laser will be maneuvered over any affected nails and may even be used over non-affected nails. One session typically lasts 30 minutes or less. While some patients have success with a single treatment, additional treatments may be prescribed depending on the results.BOOK NOW